Fly For Fun Mac

X-Plane is without peer on the Mac. Calling X-Plane a game isn't just wrong, but it's insulting: X-Plane is the definitive flight simulator for the platform. Intricately detailed, it's also incredibly scalable - X-Plane runs on mobile, oz77n home Macs and PCs, and also operates as a detailed professional-grade aviation simulator. The most popular Mac alternative is Diablo. It's not free, so if you're looking for a free alternative, you could try Zandronum or The Mana World. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked more than 50 alternatives to FlyFF and 18 are available for Mac so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement.


20th & 21st January, 2007

Weather Update for Sunday 21st:
It's overcast with a SouthWesterly breeze that will produce a fairlystiff (challenging) cross-wind on the strip today. It's probably notwell suited to those just finding their feet. However, we'll makea call on whether to continue with the day's events based on the numbersthat turn up. If you wan't an update, ring us on 021 1131962

SWMAC Fly For Fun, Novices and experts Welcome!
Are you looking to have a heap of no-pressuer fun with a bunch of othereasy-going fliers?

The SWMAC is planning a no-holds-barred fly for fun day, with an emphasis oninformal (ie; *FUN*) events that will not only be exciting and challenging,but also safe for planes and fliers while helping to build flying skills.

There'll be something for all levels of flying ability, whether you've justgone solo or have been flying for longer than you'd care to admit.

Whether you've got a glow-powered or electric plane, there's bound to besomething that you'll find fun and the entry fee will be a mere $5 -- oryou can watch for free.

Bring whatever you fly and fly whatever you bring.

Here are some of the ideas we've come up with already, but we're lookingfor more:

Fly For Fun Mac

The great thing about these challenges is that everybody starts with200 points before they even take off. How easy is that?

Please support the very generous sponsors of this event:

Shortest circuit:
How fast can you take-off, do as tight a circuit as possible, and landas close as possible to your take-off point? Every second you spendin the air costs you a point but points are also lost if you don't touch downclose enough to the take-off spot so the fastest time isn't necessarily thewinning time.

Best guess landing:
With your transmitter timer covered up and no other way of telling how muchtime has past, you have to take off and remain airborne for exactly one minute.Points are lost for every second under or over a minute from the timeyou get the go signal and your wheels touch the ground.

Most impressive manuver:
What does your aircraft do the best? Loop, snap roll, hover, knife-edge,super-slick landings, splinter into a thousand pieces? Whatever it is,providing the judges are impressed and you you can still fly it afterwards,you have a good chance of winning this competition.

Balloon bursting:
How many balloons can you burst in three passes? The balloons are tetheredto the ground and you must pop them without any part of your plane touchingthe ground during the run. Sounds easy doesn't it? Every pass performedwithout bursting balloon costs you points.

Deadstick challenge:
You take off, climb to between 100 and 300 feet then, exactly one minute afteryou started, you must cut your motor (back to idle) and land as close as possibleto the take-off point without touching the throttle. Points are deductedbased on how far away from the takeoff point you land.

Inverted low pass:
The final event of the weekend (for obvious reasons) and there'll be no compulsionfor anyone to take part -- but for those who do, the winner will be the onewho does the lowest inverted pass between the flags. Maybe not the idealevent for those who have just gone solo with their high-wing trainer.


There will be winners announced for each individual challenge plus an overallwinner from the accumulated day's flying.

Right now we're trying to organise some sponsorship and prizes -- but no promises.

If you have any suggestions/comments, or would just like to letus know you want to participate then please contact us.

Our runways
Note that we have both grass and sealed runways available. If you've neverflown from tarmac before and want to give it a go, be prepared for some extra fun-- and bring a few spare propellors (don't ask how I know you'll need them).

Note also that we have 850m of sealed strip and an 1100m grass one. If youcan't land on either of those, well I don't know what to say!

El Presidente wishes to point out that, in a cross-wind, we actually have two 20m-longrunways that are 850m and 1100m *wide* -- hmmmmm! :-)

We're pretty easy-going here at the SWMAC so there'll only be the barest minimumof rules and conditions. Fliers will have te be current members of the NZMAA(of course) and even though you should have your wings by now, we'll make surethat anyone who doesn't is supervised by a suitably qualified flier. In fact,if there are any examiners there, it might be a great chance to get those wings!

All pilots will get a pre-flight briefing to remind them about the restrictionsthat apply when flying from a full-sized airfield but since the Tokoroa stripusually gets less than half a dozen movements a day, we don't anticipate muchinterruption to our *fun*.

This is a two-day event and although people are welcome to attend for justone or the other days, we'd like to see you spend the whole weekend hereif you can.

If you're a sissy, there are plenty of motels available in Tokoroa but ifyou're a hard-core toughy, you can probably pitch a tent at the field.

Fly For Fun Online Game For Mac

Note that we will be able to take advantage of the Tokoroa and Districts AeroClub's facilities for the weekend, consisting of a good-sized clubrooms,BBQ and toilets (no showers though I'm afraid). There will be some room on thefloor for those who'd like to stay in the clubrooms overnight on Saturday(a $5 per head fee payable to the Aero Club will be collected for this).

Fly for fun cz

Fly For Fun Fr

We'll also have plenty of space available for secure storage of your models and gearat the field overnight in a locked and alarmed hangar, with mains and 12V power availablefor chargers.

Fly For Fun Cz

Get practising now!